Hi! I'm Michael Avendano. I'm based in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, currently working at Pangaea Information Technologies as a full-stack developer. In my spare time, I also volunteer at Code for Hawaii.

My hobbies often revolve around puzzle-solving. Whether it's through code, chess, or martial arts, I enjoy finding creative ways to approach problems.

Finding new solutions keeps me motivated while the ability to help others through code inspires me to keep learning.

Image of Michael Avendano


Software Engineer

Pangaea Information Technology

01-2019 to Present
  • Creating RESTful APIs in ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET, and Node.js with Azure Functions
  • Developing front-end applications with TypeScript & React.js
  • Working as a back-end developer using C# with ASP.NET Core and SQL Server
  • Using Test Driven Development to implement features


Code for Hawaii

01-2022 to Present
  • Triaging issues and contributing code to the Code for Hawaii website
  • Onboarding new members by providing tutorials and familiarizing them with the code base
  • Helping facilitate meetings

Research Assistant

Electronic Visualization Laboratory at University of Illinois at Chicago

06-2018 to 12-2018
  • Gained experience using Node.js and Express.js to handle data requests primarily utilizing WebSockets
  • Utilized Mongoose to interface with MongoDB to create schemas and store live data efficiently
  • Worked with various APIs for devices such as microphones and Z-Wave devices



  • TypeScript
  • C#
  • JavaScript
  • Python


  • Vue.js
  • React.js
  • Node.js
  • ASP.NET Core
  • CosmosDb
  • MSSQL Server

Coding Styles

  • Test Driven Development
  • Object Oriented Programming
Picture of HTML code

Personal Website

This is a website that showcases my projects as well as gives an introduction to myself. The goal was to create a website without a JavaScript framework while still prioritizing performance and accessibility. This was built using the following:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • TypeScript
  • Vite
Picture of toy whale that is lit up.

Quantum Lamps

Quantum Lamps was a small IoT project that allows users to keep lights in sync by moving their respective light. The color changing was accomplished by using an accelerometer to map the lamp's orientation to a color. The color code would then be sent to a server which would relay the color to the partner light. This was built using the following:

  • Python3
  • TypeScript
  • Docker
  • Raspberry Pi
  • NeoPixel Ring
  • Accelerometer